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National holiday Germany 03.10.13
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Научи се как се сипва масло
Регистриран на: Неделя, 10.02.2013 г. 02:24 ч. Мнения: 45 Местоположение: Erfurt
 National holiday Germany 03.10.13
Zdravei, at the birthday of Trabant I can not come to BG. But at the national holiday I'm there. Perhaps we can meet us at the 3.10. in Sofia or Plovdiv for a small celebration Ciao!
Сряда, 02.10.2013 г. 13:01 ч. |
trabant maniac
IFA boss
Регистриран на: Събота, 14.06.2008 г. 23:29 ч. Мнения: 258 Местоположение: Sofia
Automobile: 601 S de luxe
 Re: National holiday Germany 03.10.13
Hello Thomas, We can make a meeting in front of the church Alexander Nevski at 6 p.m. on 3th of October. ![2beers [smilie=2beers]](./images/smilies/2beers.gif)
_________________ Trabant forefer
Сряда, 02.10.2013 г. 19:31 ч. |
Научи се как се сипва масло
Регистриран на: Неделя, 10.02.2013 г. 02:24 ч. Мнения: 45 Местоположение: Erfurt
 Re: National holiday Germany 03.10.13
Yeah, great!! So we meet us 18:00 today! I come with a friend of the bavarian Trabant-Club;-) Do posle! Perhaps we can also sightsseeing the city of Sofia!
Четвъртък, 03.10.2013 г. 10:25 ч. |
Научи се как се сипва масло
Регистриран на: Неделя, 10.02.2013 г. 02:24 ч. Мнения: 45 Местоположение: Erfurt
 Re: National holiday Germany 03.10.13
Da, the celebrating of national holiday was wonderful. It's also a wonderful forum. Greets Thomas i Markus (hycomat 84 at http://www.bayrischer-trabant-club.de/p ... portal.php) Ciao i do posle!
Петък, 04.10.2013 г. 00:09 ч. |
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